The Price Was Paid on the Cross by Jesus Christ - Calm Your Heart!

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The Price Was Paid on the Cross by Jesus Christ - Calm Your Heart!
Learn How to Have a Full Life with God:

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The Price Was Paid on the Cross by Jesus Christ - Calm Your Heart!

Imagine that you are on the verge of an inevitable sentence, with a debt that cannot be paid, carrying the weight of the consequences of your actions. Justice is about to be served, and everything seems lost. But then, something surprising happens: your record, once stained, is completely wiped clean. All charges against you are dropped, and when you check your situation, you realize that the overwhelming debt has been entirely paid off.

It's as if, suddenly, all your debts and obligations disappear. When you check your credit card and loans, you see that everything has been cleared; there's nothing left to pay. Now, imagine that someone did this for you, without you deserving it. Someone took on the burden that was yours, paid the price you couldn't pay, and gave you a new chance, a renewed life without the weight of debt. This is the great mystery of God's grace, where, through Jesus Christ, we are freed from the unpayable debt of sin and receive complete and eternal redemption.

Dear brothers and sisters, it is a joy to have you with me again on this blessed night to receive this beautiful message from the Lord. Today, we will talk about Jesus Christ and the price He paid for all of us. So stay with me for a while longer, as throughout this video we will make powerful prayers so that you may leave renewed and revived.

At the end of this video, I want to say a specific prayer for those who suffer from anxiety, depression, and fear, so stay with me until the end and be blessed. Write in the comments what your prayer needs are so that we can be praying for you.
I always want to emphasize that we are not talking about religion but about God.
The book of the prophet Isaiah, chapter 43, verse 25, tells us: "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake, and remembers your sins no more." Before God, the main problem is not the debt, nor the sin, because in Him all sins are forgiven. Jesus cares more about your surrender, because your spiritual debt has already been paid on the cross of Calvary. You just need to repent, surrender, and believe in Him.

Although sins were paid for by Jesus on the cross, this truth will only flood our soul if we believe and accept Jesus as Savior and Lord. The biggest difficulty is recognizing our own mistakes and admitting that we need forgiveness. Have the attitude of approaching the Lord and crying out for His forgiveness.
Sometimes, we become hoarders of spiritual garbage, and this brings a weight upon us. The more we accumulate, the worse it gets. This is the enemy's desire: to keep us stained by sin. Considering that all of us had our sins redeemed at the cross of Calvary, we need, in gratitude, to be the salt of the earth and light of the world for those who walk in darkness.
Just as God the Father desires to lighten your burden because He loves you, He also wants to see you freed from all shackles so that you can make a difference in the environment in which you live. Make the best decision, which is to live a renewed life. My brothers, God reveals something to us that defies all human logic: His incomparable love and His unconditional forgiveness.
We, as human beings, are used to remembering mistakes, carrying burdens of guilt, and feeling unworthy. But God, in His infinite grace, gives us a promise that changes everything. He erases our transgressions, not because of our merit, but for His own sake. He chooses not to remember our sins anymore. The first point we need to understand is the depth of God's mercy.
He says, "I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions." Notice that He emphasizes "I, even I," as if He wanted to assure us that it is He who takes the initiative. It is His sovereign act of mercy that does not depend on us, on our efforts, or our works. God's forgiveness is an act of grace, something He does out of love for us. Imagine a God so powerful, creator of all things, stooping down to erase our failures.
This demonstrates how much He loves us and how much He is willing to do to rescue us. The second point is that God's forgiveness is not conditioned by our actions but by His own character. He says, "For My own sake." God doesn't forgive us because we deserve it, but because He is love. God's love is so great that He does not allow sin to have the last word in our lives. He forgives us because of who He is, not because of what we do.

This should fill us with hope and gratitude because in our weakness, He shows Himself strong. The third point is God's decision to forget our sins. "Your sins I remember no more."


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