It was announced early Thursday that Liz Cheney was going to be one of the recipients of this year’s President Citizens Medal, the second highest honor that a civilian can receive from the President of the United States. There is little doubt that President Biden and his team made the decision to award it to Cheney (among others) just to get underneath Trump’s skin, which might be the only valid reason to award Cheney anything. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.
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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.
Yesterday, early in the morning, it was announced that, uh, Liz Cheney and several other members of the January 6th committee, of course, was going to be awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal, which of course is awarded to citizens of the United States of America who have performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens. Liz Cheney got that award from President Joe Biden, and the only reason I can think that Biden would do this is to get under Trump's skin. We know that Liz Cheney, of course, is Donald Trump's number one target. He wants to get her. They've accused her of destroying evidence from the January 6th committee, which of course did not happen. But I think President Biden did this just to, again, stick it to Donald Trump. You wanna go after her? I'm gonna give her a medal. And anything other than that is completely inexcusable. And I know it sounds petty and stupid, but listen, I will absolutely go along with it. If Biden did this just to kind of Trump off, I'm okay with that. But if you did it because you genuinely think that Liz Cheney deserves a medal for her service to this country, then you are sorely mistaken. Liz Cheney is an absolute monster. Liz Cheney is the same monster, by the way. You, Democrats are putting up on your shoulders, hoisting her up like a hero, all because she doesn't like Donald Trump. Now, now Winnie was president, of course, she voted with him over 97% of the time, 97%.
And y'all are acting like she is some great liberal progressive hero, just because at the end, she voted to impeach him only the second time. Didn't do it the first time. Just the second time, right? She's not a hero, she's a monster. She, of course, for those who are not familiar with Liz Cheney's history, also served in the United States State Department during the first few years of the Bush Administration, where her father, of course launched a war in Iraq that left millions dead based on false pretenses. Liz Cheney, at the time, while she was with the State Department, was in charge of, uh, middle East, not necessarily policy, but she was in charge of the Middle East. So he, her and her daddy together helped launch this war based on lies that again, left millions of people dead. That's not something we should be celebrating. That's not a human being that we
Want on our side. Liz Cheney, again voted with Trump and the Republicans 97% of the time. She's no hero. She's a piece of garbage. So if you're giving her a medal again, just to Trump off, go for it. I have no problem with that. But if you're doing it 'cause you genuinely think that she deserves it, then you are absolutely brain dead.
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