Solo Vault of Glass - Full Raid [Destiny 2]

Описание к видео Solo Vault of Glass - Full Raid [Destiny 2]

Destiny 2 Lightfall - Solo Vault of Glass Raid Full Completion / Solo All Vault of Glass Raid Encounters / Solo VoG Full Raid / Solo Destiny 2 Full Raid. This is a compilation video showing the entire Vault of Glass raid being finished completely solo from the beginning to end. Everything from the beginning up to Atheon was completed during Lightfall, with Solo Atheon being completed back in Season 14. Details and timestamps are below.

Below, I'll have timestamps to all encounters, which will show the loadouts at the start of all earlier encounters. I'll have links to the original videos for both Gatekeepers and Atheon, as they're the only two that are worth mentioning a bit more, and the loadout is shown at the end of those. I'll put small details about each of the clears below the timestamps, but please visit the links for any appropriate credits or further details on the strategy used.

00:00 - Solo Entrance & Load-In
The whole objective of this is to break the Minotaurs' heads so that they follow you around. To complete this, you simply need to have all 3 plates captured for a period of time, and keeping the Minotaurs off the plates by having them chase you will allow you to do so.

05:09 - Solo Confluxes
Nowadays, this is a very easy encounter to clear, especially with the ability to proc Devour as a Void Subclass and swap to another subclass while keeping the Devour buff. Arc Titan works well for it, and while the HoIL and Storm Grenade nerfs made it a little worse, it still does decent work.

13:09 - Solo Oracles
A very straightforward encounter, and just a memory game for a couple of rounds. Not too much to say on this one.

17:08 - Solo Templar
In Lightfall, this was made a little bit more annoying again, but ultimately it's still a simple encounter. The main change compared to last season is that you can no longer proc melee abilities while holding the relic, which used to be great when combined with Insurmountable Skullfort for super energy and Font of Wisdom from wells. Stacking Intellect now will help get the super up fast enough for each phase though.

26:37 - Solo Gorgons' Labyrinth
Again, there's not too much to say about this one, just avoid the Gorgons.

28:54 - Solo Gatekeepers
   • Solo Gatekeepers - Vault of Glass Rai...  
This is by far the hardest solo challenge to exist in Destiny imo, and will probably remain so for the rest of the game. There's numerous factors behind that, including the massive timesink of having to farm ammo for every attempt. But even if you had the ability to magically spawn heavy ammo for every attempt, it'd still be up there as one of the hardest overall. This was the main encounter that kept the entire raid from being possible for the longest time.

37:54 - Solo Atheon
   • Solo Atheon - Vault of Glass Raid [De...  
Unfortunately, this is the only encounter that hasn't been done since the finisher glitch was patched long ago. There's a potential strategy to complete it, but it hasn't been completed. The original solo was a fun one though.

Overall, I'm happy to have another raid that has had every encounter completed solo - even if Atheon was a few seasons ago. Solo Deep Stone Crypt was the first full Destiny 2 raid, and this is the second. I'm assuming a full Solo Root of Nightmares will happen in the near future also.

Finally for those who have been asking: I'll start Solo Nezarec a little later in the season, along with Solo Planets boss. I haven't had a look at either yet, as there's other things I want to work on and get done before starting them.

PC setup:
MSI MPG Z490 Mobo, i9-10900k CPU, RTX 2080 Super GPU, 64GB DDR4 3200 C16 Ram, 1TB NVMe M.2 SSD, 8TB HDD

Keybindings can be seen here:    • OUTDATED, SEE DESCRIPTION: Keybinds /...  


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