Carbon Footprint: Corporate / Individual (Full Guide)

Описание к видео Carbon Footprint: Corporate / Individual (Full Guide)

Welcome back! In this video, we’ll guide you through using the TUYES Carbon Footprint Tool.
You’ll need to input data in three main categories:
1. Energy Consumption: Enter your electricity and gas usage. Include details like monthly consumption and energy sources.
2. Transportation: Add information about your vehicle’s fuel consumption, use of public transportation, and any flights you’ve taken.
3. Waste Management: Provide data on your waste generation and recycling habits.
Calculating Results
After entering all the data, click ‘Calculate’. The tool will calculate your total carbon footprint, breaking it down into different categories."
Understanding the Results
The results will show your emissions from each category. This helps you identify which activities contribute most to your carbon footprint."
Next, we’ll discuss how to reduce your carbon footprint using these insights. Stay tuned!"
#carbonfootprint #environmentalimpact #corporate #netzero #sustainableenergysolutions


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