Diagnosing a small Cystic Lesion Near the Gallbladder: Ultrasound Differential Diagnoses

Описание к видео Diagnosing a small Cystic Lesion Near the Gallbladder: Ultrasound Differential Diagnoses

A small cystic lesion in the right lobe of the liver, adjacent to the gallbladder, with no continuity with the gallbladder lumen, can have several possible diagnoses. The most likely diagnosis is a **simple hepatic cyst, a common, benign liver lesion that typically appears as a well-defined, anechoic structure with no internal vascularity. Other possibilities include a biliary hamartoma, an **intrahepatic biliary cystadenoma, or an early-stage hydatid cyst. While a choledochal cyst could present similarly, it usually involves the bile ducts and shows continuity with the biliary system, making it less likely in this scenario. Further evaluation, such as MRCP, may be considered if there is any suspicion of a biliary connection, especially if the patient presents with relevant symptoms.

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