FREE Sonimus SonEQ vs Waves Puigtec EQP-1A | Pultec Low End Comparison!

Описание к видео FREE Sonimus SonEQ vs Waves Puigtec EQP-1A | Pultec Low End Comparison!

Just for fun we wanted to compare how these two sound.

From the websites:

SonEQ is free equalizer plugin that takes parts from some vintage gear and combine them in one. SonEQ has 3 bands, bass, middle and treble. Also, SonEQ has a preamp section. SonEQ is a free VST/AU/AAX plugin for Mac and Windows.

The Pultec EQP-1A is renowned for its unique ability to boost and cut the same frequencies simultaneously, thereby creating a resonant shelf. The PuigTec EQP-1A is a remarkable replication of the original hand-crafted unit owned by iconic producer/engineer Jack Joseph Puig



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