COVER FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Rose, Halo and Blossom – Review & Swatches

Описание к видео COVER FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Rose, Halo and Blossom – Review & Swatches

COVER FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Rose, Halo and Blossom – Review & Swatches

Read all of the details and see more photos on my blog ➡

Products Mentioned:
COVER FX Custom Enhancer Drops in Rose, Halo and Blossom ➡

Filming Equipment:
Camera: Canon 80D ➡
Tripod for the Canon80D ➡
Lights: StudioPRO SPK11-065 Premium Spot Daylights LED ➡

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FTC Disclosure: This video is not sponsored. YouTube is not my professional career nor do I do this full time. I work a normal 9-5 job in the professional beauty industry. I purchased all of my own products and equipment unless otherwise stated. Some links are affiliate links, which helps me to run the blog/channel and purchase products for review. If you would like to support the page - thank you so much, I truly appreciate it! If you are uncomfortable doing so or would prefer to use another code or link, please feel free to Google the names to any products that I have listed to find out where to purchase them. Thanks so much for watching!

Contact me: [email protected]


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