In today's morning satsang, Paramahamsa Nithyananda defines the true nature of power. No one ever suffers from lack of power. What we lack is knowledge. We feel powerless when we don't have the knowledge to accomplish a task. Since we don't know how to proceed, we conclude it is impossible: but that is only a choice, not a fact. If we have the power to choose, we are not powerless! Our real trouble stems from using our power to make wrong decisions -- to choose to be powerless. It is an excuse to avoid responsibility. When we accept that we have had the power to cause everything happening in life we understand we are never powerless, and we take full responsibility.
Today I welcome you all who are sitting with us around the world at this moment through Sadhna TV, Nithyananda TV and Lotus News Channel.
I will expand on the individual's responsibility to reach the space of Possibility.
Listen! Please enter into the space of listening!
First thing, know very clearly, do you want the space of Possibility? Do you want transformation Or the self-contradicting, conflicting, powerless space you are carrying now is what really you cherish and enjoy? First find out that within you!
Many a time, people are happy and settled with that idea 'I am doing whatever I can! What more I can do? This is best I can do! You don't know! For my background, I achieved this much! Ohhh'
No! You are wrong! Then for your background, you see, if everybody looks at the past and based on that measure their capability, then there was a time everyone was a small child, you should be capable of only eating and sleeping! Then you don't need any capability other than eating and sleeping!
No! First decide clearly, are you interested in being powerful? Are you interested in being powerful? Are you interested in really coming out of the conflicting, contradicting, powerless space you carry. Sit with you; come to terms with whatever you are carrying. Look, look intensely; these are all what I am having; these all is what I want, I have to move from here to there. How am I? Don't ever bring the word 'I cannot'. Don't ever bring the word 'I am powerless'. It is wrong! Knowledgelessness only is wrongly identified by you as powerlessness. In the whole universe there is no such thing as powerlessness. It is just you do not have the knowledge or you are not interested. If you know, 'I am not interested.', then okay! Clear! At least, this is what you want. Be in the slum, in the drainage; that is where you are feeling very happy, settled! Or, know it very clearly, you don't have knowledge! There is no powerlessness. There is no knowledge - is the real problem. There is no such thing as powerlessness.
First look in. Look in. Define very clearly what do you want and where you are. Know it very clearly 'You Can!' There is no question of 'You Can't!' You Can! You just know how it should be done. You only need the knowledge. There is no powerlessness. There is only knowledgelessness.
Sometime, what you want knocks at your door; but you think because it is knocking at your door, you are more qualified that what is knocking at your door! You may think, 'It is too cheap, otherwise why will it come to me?' Because you don't have any respect for you, the fortune which comes towards you also you don't have respect for it! And you lose it!
Many time, the possibility knocks at your door. You think, 'If it is coming to me so easily, then there is something wrong! May be, I am more qualified for it than this!' What a pattern! What a pity! It is so funny! That is the right word I will use. So funny!
When you know what you need to achieve and where you are and you know it is possible, I tell you, that is the space where responsibility grows. You know, 'I will do it! I am doing it! I will do it and I am doing it!'
In the rural area hills and the forest area, there will be board: 'Sheeps destroy the forest'. Because, when a seed sprouts, sheeps will go and eat, and the forest will never be possible. Same way, the idea 'impossible' destroys your responsibility. You never take the responsibility because of your idea of 'impossible'. When you think it is impossible, you give up on you. You never take the responsibility - what you want, where you are, and how transformation can happen. First, if you know it will happen, it is possible, you just know how to take the responsibility and you take the responsibility. That's all! Individual life is responsible. You only have to take the responsibility to make things possible. Know continuously the things are possible!
There is nothing which can happen unless you want it, nothing which can happen unless you take the responsibility for it, nothing which can happen unless you feel it is possible; including your negativities. What you now say you don't want, for example - disease, feeling powerless, even to have all these experience, there was a time you felt it is possible!
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