From data to AI with the Machine Learning Canvas - Louis Dorard (PAPIs)

Описание к видео From data to AI with the Machine Learning Canvas - Louis Dorard (PAPIs)

The Machine Learning Canvas is a template for developing intelligent systems based on data and machine learning. It is a visual chart with elements that describe the key aspects of such systems: value proposition, data to learn from, usage of predictions, technical requirements and measures of performance. It assists teams of scientists, engineers and managers in aligning their activities.

This presentation will help beginners get into the right mindset to go beyond the hype around ML, and to precisely identify how it can have an actual impact in their domain. Those with more experience will learn how to better structure their approach to designing and documenting ML systems. I’ll present the general structure of the Machine Learning Canvas, how to fill it in, and some examples of the Canvas in action.

Louis Dorard:
I lead the PAPIs conferences, I teach at UCL School of Management, I help companies integrate Machine Learning in their domains, and I am the author of the Machine Learning Canvas.


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