What Do Triumph Hops Taste Like? SMaSH Beer Experiment

Описание к видео What Do Triumph Hops Taste Like? SMaSH Beer Experiment

We take on another hop variety for our list of SMaSH beers: Triumph hops.

We got this hop from Yakima Valley Hops, as seems to be the norm for most of our hops. This one was subtle in the way it presented itself. Maybe Mike has been too overtaken by fruity hops and he's become conditionally biased to what to expect in hops; but this was a tough one to truly nail down.

Mike perceived distinct notes of fruit and even some malt-cereal notes in the aroma and flavor. Specifically Mike felt the nose was like being in a box of Apple Loop-type cereal. While also picking up some notes of sulfur and maybe green grape and green melon like notes in the flavor.

The lineage of this hop is very much in the Noble and American spicy hop category. Upon hearing about its parentage, we both could detect a bit of that in the background but it wasn't the dominant feature.

Check it out and try Triumph for yourself. Let us know what you think.


Check out our blog:

Find hops at Yakima Valley Hops:
Triumph - https://yakimavalleyhops.com/products...


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