I Wrote a Country Song About Fire Insurance

Описание к видео I Wrote a Country Song About Fire Insurance

Thank you, Lord, for putting up with me,
If I were you, I might have taken me out, you see.
Not just me, but those around me, too,
Good thing I'm not in control, or we'd be in for a flood redo.

Now I understand why the rainbow's your sign,
It's a reminder that this world's not doing fine.
But I've got fire insurance, thank the Lord above,
In Jesus Christ, my policy of eternal love.

But if I were you, I might just cancel it all,
Thankfully, I'm not, or we'd be barbecue this fall.
So, when you see that rainbow high,
Remember, it's not just about love and life passing by.

It's a sign that this world's gone up in smoke,
So get your fire insurance now, it's no joke.
Before it's too late, secure your heavenly claim,
In Jesus Christ, our Savior's name.


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