वृष राशिको लागि २०२५ सफलताको वर्ष रहनेछ।

Описание к видео वृष राशिको लागि २०२५ सफलताको वर्ष रहनेछ।

Program: Jyotish Darpan
Presenter: .Rudranath Adhikari
Call : 9845084279

Pandit Jyotis Dr. Rudra Nath Adhikari is a prominent doctrine Jyotis in Nepal. He has authentic knowledge based on the Astrology, Numerology, Palmist, Vaastu Consultant, and Eastern philosophy. He has multiple identify as a doctrine Jyotis, social figure, good political analytic, mainstream overview of journalism and a responsible councilor. He is in this field since last 15 years and has got huge client base from different fields viz. eminent politics, professionals bureaucrats, corporate executives, businesspersons, students, sportspersons, journalists. etc.


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