Youtube Mamas Made Me Buy It! (Homeschool Edition 2)

Описание к видео Youtube Mamas Made Me Buy It! (Homeschool Edition 2)

Here's my list of homeschool items that other mom's have influence me to purchase in this last year!

Comment below some of the things other YouTube moms have influenced you to buy...and were they worth it or not?

Playlist Collaboration Link:    • Youtube Mamas Made Me Buy It Homescho...  

Mentioned in this Video:

Brittany ‪@Deeplyrootedhome‬
English Grammar Recitation -

Shawna ‪@worldofwashabaugh9403‬
Building on the Rock -

Brittany ‪@brittanyolga‬
Preschool Beginner Math -
Pencil Grips -

Rachel ‪@SevenInAll‬
Kingdom of God Storybook Bible OT -
Kingdom of God Storybook Bible NT -
Parables of Jesus -

Lelani ‪@LivingWithEve‬
Dumbing us Down -

Abby ‪@FamilyStyleLearning‬
8 Great Smarts for Homeschoolers -

Angie ‪@sciencemama‬
Mind in the Making -

Julia ‪@juliaathome‬
Know and Tell: The Art of Narration -

Kathleen ‪@KSLewisLearning‬
Safari Park Jr. Smartgames -

My Last Year's Video:
   • Youtube Mamas Made Me Buy it. I Was I...  

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0:00 Intro
1:13 deeplyrootedhome
2:09 worldofwashabaugh9403
2:58 brittanyolga
4:05 seveninall
5:05 livingwitheve
5:34 familystylelearning
6:04 unknown
7:01 sciencemama
7:35 juliaathome
8:26 k.s.lewislearning

FCT Disclaimer: This video may have affiliate links and it helps me out when you purchase items through them.

This video's intended audience is not children but adults interested in homeschool curriculum.

While I do occasionally accept items in exchange for a review, I am careful only to accept those I actually plan to use myself. And any thoughts and opinions are my own.

This video is made by Journey in the Home


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