Review: Nike Phantom Venom Pro New Lights Pack 2019 Yellow VOLT | Best Value Boot Available?

Описание к видео Review: Nike Phantom Venom Pro New Lights Pack 2019 Yellow VOLT | Best Value Boot Available?

Time to look at one of my favourite boots on the market the Phantom Venom (VNM) but this time not the elite model the more affordable yet actually still fantastic pro variation of the boot.

This is the 2019 New Lights release of the boot in the bright green / volt colour way which I personally love, mainly because I have a huge love for volt football boots generally, and I have no idea why!!!

For the price these pack one hell of a punch so jump into the video and you can find out if this is the best way to spend your money if you're on the hunt for the best value for money football boots around.

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