Hello Neighbor IN A NEW CITY!!! | Hello Neighbor (Mods)

Описание к видео Hello Neighbor IN A NEW CITY!!! | Hello Neighbor (Mods)

The neighbor made it to a new city….but will everything still be the same? Lets find out!

What’s up MA DUDES!!!! How is it going today? Today we are going to be playing some Hello Neighbor and today we are playing a new crazy mod! Today we are in an abandoned town with no other houses as far as the eye can see and it is just us and the neighbor. We have to go into the neighbor’s house to figure out what is wrong and see if we can fix the neighborhood. Join me as we explore this new house and find out all of the secrets and mysteries. We are using this mod today as the hello neighbor dev kit allows for some amazing creations. Lets jump right in and explore the town! Enjoy.

Mod Link: http://www.moddb.com/mods/hello-neigh...
By: HelloModder

  / dakblake  

Twitch:   / dakblake  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dakblake?ref=hl

Become MA DUDE: http://bit.ly/1dSRaM4

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Ending: Back Again by Lemmino


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