Attracting, Inspiring, Retaining Gen Z Focus, Engagement and Opportunity for Impact

Описание к видео Attracting, Inspiring, Retaining Gen Z Focus, Engagement and Opportunity for Impact

Attracting, Inspiring, Retaining Gen Z: Focus, Engagement and Opportunity for Impact
How can organizations create environments where Gen Z feels empowered to contribute and grow?

This theme is eluding many as the new Generations - Gen Z and Millennials constitute over 70% of the workforce, and are pushing back for Agency, meaningful work, belongingness and opportunities to lead/ influence in the world of work!

Organizations across industries are struggling with Attrition and are wonder-struck with how to attract and retain this ‘Restless and Searching’ generation!

How do we balance the pressure for performance and shrinking teams, with opportunities for Voice, Influence and Contributions, especially within tall hierarchies that have normalized Power distance, cultures of order taking and a demand for Agility in an ecosystem that does not support this aspiration.

How do we Engage and Inspire Gen Z and the Millennials? How do we reinvent the experience of the organization beyond lip service and Tech tokenism?


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