Home made Triple Triad Card Game (Final Fantasy VIII) - Making of

Описание к видео Home made Triple Triad Card Game (Final Fantasy VIII) - Making of

This is a set of Triple Triad cards, entirely hand made, and how we did to create them. All images come from the original game but we did some small customizations (including some friends' signatures)

Triple Triad is a minigame (card game) within Final Fantasy VIII. To play it, the player has to collect cards in the game (or create them using Quezacotl's Card Mod ability) and interact with other characters (by pressing Square button).

This is the complete process that has been used to build the 110 cards, step by step:

I : Design part
1. * Take FF8 Original Screenshot ; You may use emulation to do it, but you will have to resize the image so that it will remain square shaped (not rectangle).
2. * Crop BMP to extract the card image and the numbers.
3. * Get the background and remove it : To remove it, the background is compared to the "sample" background (which a been deduced in an iterative way).
4. * Include Red and Blue gradient instead of the back (since in the game each card exists in 2 forms: red and blue).
5. * Interpolate the image to make it smoother. (Linear interpolation X,Y)
6. * Include FF8 border depending on the card level.
7. * Write Card Number and name. French name on blue side, English name on red side.
8. * Ask friends to sign some of the cards, and insert signature (overlap) to create unique cards.
9. * Include custom red or blue borders, to prevent card border to be too blunt.
10. * Format images and create RTF document including page layout. Each card dimension is 6,5cm x 6,5cm with 0,3cm margin between them.
11. * Repeat process for all the cards (110 cards = 220 images). Since it is not that easy to perform all these steps (1-10) without mistakes and without forgetting one card, a program has been written to do this. At least, all cards are exactly drawn the same way. (This is the "coding" part shown in the video)

II : Construction part
1. * Printing : 28 pages (A4). 8 images on each page.
2. * Cutting.
3. * Stick 2 matching faces on hardback paper
4. * Open laminating pouches and place the card on the center
5. * Use the ghetto laminating machine to solder the edges of the pouches (Caution: Et scroutch la plastifieuse). You can also do it by ironing.
6. * Repeat for each of the 100 cards.

Made using Allegro 4.2


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