This works amazingly well! [Ocarina of Time in CitraVR on Quest 3]

Описание к видео This works amazingly well! [Ocarina of Time in CitraVR on Quest 3]

In todays video we are taking a look at the timeless classic Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time 3D in VR using an emulator called CitraVR running natively in the Quest 3 - This game looks amazing, while it does not (currently) have the full wrap around VR immersive experience the 3D does however POP on the large screen that is projected in front of you - very little slowless other than the odd micro stutter but even after a while these calm down. The game feels great playing like this so I highly recommend you check it out for yourself. In my opinion this is probably one of the best ways to play LOZ:OOT 3D.


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