SaltStack Deconstructed

Описание к видео SaltStack Deconstructed

This is a SaltConf18 breakout session by Carson Anderson, Domo Sr. cloud architect.

SaltStack is a flexible, extensible system. It can do anything! With all the new terms and concepts coming at you at once, it can be hard to understand how it all fits together. This session will guide you through the SaltStack architecture one layer at a time:

The Minion Layer - Learn why the minion, not the master, is the most important part of SaltStack.
The Master Layer - Learn what the master does, and more importantly, what it doesn't do.
The Transport Layer - Finally understand exactly how the minion and master communicate and why you care.
The Scripts Layer - Get a grasp on all of the other salt commands and tools.
The Modules Layer - Dig into the meat of SaltStack and it's many, many, many terms.

If you are new to SaltStack and would like to intelligently automate the management and security of your infrastructure, here are a couple ways to get started:
SaltStack hosted tutorials -
Download Salt Open -


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