The Psychology of Psychonauts - Gloria's Theater

Описание к видео The Psychology of Psychonauts - Gloria's Theater

Good day everyone! Today we continue our Psychology of Psychonauts Series and move into the next world in the game. Every World in Psychonauts is based upon the Psyche of a Character in the story. As such the design and symbolism directly relate to what issues they are dealing with.

In this series, we will analyze each of these worlds and try to learn what we can about these people. In this video, Raz makes it to the gardens outside of the towers Foyer. One of the patients from Thorney Towers awaits. Gloria von Gouten was a world renown stage actress who was institutionalized after developing a severe Mood Disorder. The root of what led to her breakdown can be discovered by diving into her mind. Going through her memories and analyzing the Stageplay being performed. Let's take our time and look through Gloria's Theater.

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