MPM Green Initiative

Описание к видео MPM Green Initiative

Based on, Our planet can only produce a finite number of resources – from food, to water – and can only withstand a certain degree of greenhouse gas emissions in order to stay healthy. We only have one Earth and are utterly dependent on it for our survival and well-being. But both people and nature are facing severe consequences if our current consumption increases (that’s the amount of energy we use and our demand for resources to feed, clothe and house us, as well as materials that we want for pure enjoyment).

Yet, there is ongoing and significant growth in the human population, and economic growth continues apace; it’s often seen as a crucial means to reduce poverty. We’re working to find ways to prosper on our planet and use its resources more sustainably – in a way that doesn’t degrade the environment - for the benefit of ourselves and future generations.

Let the action starts now! We’ve all heard and seen enough that our beautiful earth is suffering. It’s time we step up and act in any way we can. Say no to straws, carry your own water bottle, grab your friends to join you, push your company to implement sustainability measures.
MPM is taking action from today, are you ready to join?

Get ready to join our green action projects and stay tuned for the updates!



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