Dodonpachi Daioujou White Label 1CC (1-ALL) - M2 PS4 Port

Описание к видео Dodonpachi Daioujou White Label 1CC (1-ALL) - M2 PS4 Port

Replay of my first time clearing White Label. Some notes below:

This is strictly survival focused. I do not focus on score at all.

S1 and 2: Notice me intentionally breaking chains. This is me trying to do a hyper meter setup where I end up before S2 boss with a hyper charged, and one more dropping during the boss (allowing using two hypers and a bomb on it) I mess it up and don't have enough meter for it though. Awkward. In this run, I just dodge last phase instead of hypering it, which is not too bad.

S3: I always bomb S3 mid, to not have to care about it. Overall good execution of route up to boss. Unfortunate death on phase 1, otherwise good.

S4: Very good emergency bomb before midboss. For midboss extend, I always use this route. No idea how to do it without hyper. Very good rails section. For boss, I got greedy and Hypere'd in phase 2 which was a huge mistake. If I had saved it for last phase, this would have been a s4 nomiss.

S5: Good honest dodging. Excellent beehive section. Overall just some very nice movement here. Got trapped near the boss and died, but plenty of resources left for s5 boss.

Last boss: Very very good fight. I have a lot of resources going into it, so I do two early bombs, and then proceed to dodge rest of first half amazingly. When I'm at last pattern, I know I have enough resources to bombspam to a clear, which is a nice feeling


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