Ice Angel & Skron - Grateful For All [Melodic Dubstep/Colour Bass]

Описание к видео Ice Angel & Skron - Grateful For All [Melodic Dubstep/Colour Bass]

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Ice Angel and Skron are two of our brightest when it comes to wonderful melodic tunes, and for our Survivors album they teamed up to produce this emotive and festive banger. With lyrics written to celebrate Ice Angel's 2nd cosplay anniversary, Skron's vocal performance works wonders with the heavy chords and colourful bass design. We hope you enjoy and make sure to send both artists some love!

Follow Ice Angel on:
YouTube:    / iceangel  
Twitter:   / ice_angel_tunes  
SoundCloud:   / iceangelmusic  

Follow Skron on:
YouTube:    / @connorskron  
Twitter:   / connor_gregory8  
SoundCloud:   / connor-gregory-240667303  


Background Image by FidzFox:

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As the season enters winter,
As we have crossed many months,
We have come up with so many moments this year

But there is one thing I realized
A moment I won't soon forget
From where I start, and how it's going, to how it happened

Starting with an inspiration
Taking on a journey with motivation
Carrying on my faith, my inner passion
To my golden bridge, my destination

As I have reached the peak, I'm faced with many things
I do face hard moments, but I'm not left behind
And as time goes on, now it's time to recall them
To show that I am grateful for all

For all the moments, I'm grateful for all
For all your support, I'm grateful for all

I've opened up my heart and felt again
For the first time in so long
From the moment I looked back at just how far we've gone

The memories of us will carry on
For as long as I can take
Even if we say goodbye and go our separate ways

Things have changed, all's now not the same
I've witnessed everything
But this moment, all I can do
is show that I'm grateful for...

For all the times, for memories,
For everything I'm grateful for all


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