Dash cameras, are they helpful in automobile accident cases? Dash cameras, are they helpful? Good afternoon. My name is Neil Burns. I'm an attorney along with my partner Roshan Jain. We represent victims of personal injury legal malpractice here in Massachusetts. And I'm talking today from our office at 6 Beacon Street where I've been working since 1987 in this building and I've been asked to talk about dash cameras and how they affect a personal injury case.
And there's three positives and three negatives, and the same, just the inverse. So the positives are your car, the other vehicle's camera, and the third would be some third party's camera that wasn't involved in a motor vehicle collision. So the positives are that sometimes they're definitive. They show exactly what happened, they can get you out of a ticket, they can get you out of a problem with respect to who caused property damage. And unfortunately, sometimes they can help with the personal injury case. We can see exactly what happened.
Then again, the flip side is your camera says what your camera says. The other car, the other motor vehicle truck, especially have all sorts of cameras and they can be harmful. And again, the same with the third party cameras. We've had that with vehicle collisions, especially with pedestrians, where they're helpful and where they're also harmful. I have a client who's developing a camera, a 180 degree camera, for trucks, not for motor vehicles generally, but for trucks. And he talks about the fact that it's a much better way of seeing in the Revere.
It's a reverse camera, it's not a dash camera, but it's a much better way of seeing everything that's going on for the driver and of course if it's recording, you can tell afterwards regarding a motor vehicle collision. So if you're a victim of a motor vehicle collision, let's take advantage of looking at the dash cameras, your camera, the other party's camera, and the cameras of any third parties.
Sometimes this doesn't come in until we file suit and subpoena things, subpoena these recordings and sometimes they're gone, but we can use that inference of destruction, sometimes against somebody. If you're questioning whether you have a case or whether a dash camera is helpful or harmful to your case, call Burns and Jain.
We've been practicing law, I've been here since 1987, practicing law since 1985, and along with my partner Roshan and Jain, we offer a free initial consultation. We want to help you. We're aggressive, we're effective, and we were caring. We want to help you. Thank you. 617-227-7423. Free initial consultation.
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