Bolu Jadul Bolu Sejuta Umat

Описание к видео Bolu Jadul Bolu Sejuta Umat

Bolu jadul khas bangka
4 telur
1 kuning telur
150gr gula pasir
130gr terigu protein sedang
10gr Susu bubuk
40gr butter cair (bisa di skip)
1/3 sdt SP (bisa di skip)

Oven listrik suhu 220C api atas
200C api bawah
Waktu oven 10 menit
Untuk suhu di sesuaikan dengan oven masing masing yang penting 10 menit harus sudah coklat

Oven tangkring suhu paling besar (di kompor saya hanya sampai 180C hari ini, biasa bisa 200C
Jadi tadi permukaan coklat di 25 menit

1 resep menghasilkan 23-24 bolu

Follow me on Instagram: ayo masak ayo makan

Bangka's typical old school cake
4 eggs
1 egg yolk
150gr granulated sugar
130gr medium protein flour
10gr Milk powder
40gr melted butter (can be skip)
1/3 tsp SP (can be skipped)

Electric oven temperature 220C top fire
200C bottom fire
Oven time 10 minutes
For the temperature to be adjusted to each oven, the important thing is that 10 minutes must be brown

Tangkring oven has the largest temperature (on my stove it only went up to 180C today, usually 200C
So that was the surface of the chocolate in 25 minutes

1 recipe makes 23-24 cakes


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