Banjo-Kazooie Glitch - Break MMM/RBB Puzzle Room Grate Underwater

Описание к видео Banjo-Kazooie Glitch - Break MMM/RBB Puzzle Room Grate Underwater

I found this a while ago but there was some conversation on Reddit that was wondering if this grate could be broken with the 2nd Water Switch pressed and the answer is yes.

If you hit the 3rd water switch and swim up to the MMM/RBB Puzzle Room, you can hit the grate by pausing as the water goes down, allowing you to walk underwater and hit it.

You can hit this earlier in the game but this is a solution if your game file already has the 2nd one raised, finally freeing you of that pesky game design flaw.

This can also be broken with a bit clip but that would most likely only be TAS only.


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