TimkenSteel Jumbo Bloom Vertical Caster Video

Описание к видео TimkenSteel Jumbo Bloom Vertical Caster Video

See our updated Jumbo Bloom Vertical Caster Video with footage of the caster in action here: http://bit.ly/1E6hAXI

TimkenSteel's Jumbo Bloom Vertical Caster has an overall height of 270 feet, making it the largest continuous vertical bloom caster in the world and the only one of its kind in North America.

The new vertical caster uses an optimized tundish design and advanced clean steelmaking technology. Its advanced operating technology also includes electromagnetic stirring, dynamic soft reduction, air-mist cooling, and thermal treatment for optimized surface quality.

The fully automated jumbo bloom vertical caster is designed to operate consistently, featuring innovative process monitoring and control.

With an ability to cast difficult-to-produce alloy steel grades, the caster further offers the only combination in the world of a large continuous vertical bloom caster and an in-line forge press. The forge press, coupled with the new vertical caster, expands our capabilities and helps improve sound centers in large-bar sizes, efficiently giving customers more of what they need.

Visit TimkenSteel: http://bit.ly/1rCWURm


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