Sodom and Gomorrah (a visual tour of the infamous biblical cities)

Описание к видео Sodom and Gomorrah (a visual tour of the infamous biblical cities)

A tour of the area where the Bible locates Sodom and Gomorrah might surprise both skeptics and believers...

...The remains of the ancient cities are in the exact location described by the Bible: in 'the plain' by 'the Salt Sea' (the Dead Sea)... Standing out from the desert sands are symmetrical, man-made buildings, now compressed ash: fortresses, walls, ziggurats (layered-temples), etc., even pyramids & sphinxes (likely the influence of nearby-Egypt, the great empire of that time). Flammable brimstone (94-96% sulfur) is found throughout the area, having a sulfur-concentration more than twice the concentration of any naturally-occurring sulfur found on earth. As brimstone burns and melts, a blue flame is produced, indicating intense heat. Also produced is the toxic gas, sulfur dioxide (SO2). The salt-encrusted 'Mount Sodom' (beside the infamous city) has isolated pillars of salt (one such pillar is featured in the video, resembling the form of a woman..."Remember Lot's wife." - Luke 17:32). Additionally, the "tar pits" which the Bible speaks of being in that area still exist today. The discoveries surrounding Sodom & Gomorrah will be contested, largely due to the implications for the lifestyles associated with these cities (a reflection of the human tendency to make conclusions based on preference, rather than evidence). Yet the site's numerous anomalies, which match the biblical description, testify overwhelmingly for the Bible's reliability. Scripture warns of how God made these cities a visual example of the coming judgment upon those who refuse to turn from evil...


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