Natural Pink Diamonds | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series

Описание к видео Natural Pink Diamonds | GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar Series

GIA Knowledge Sessions Webinar - recorded live on September 17, 2020.

Natural pink to red diamonds are among the rarest and most desired fancy colored diamonds. How they form is still a mystery — but scientists have observed that the vast majority of pink diamonds have a 550 nm absorption band, which indicates that shear stress and deformation of the crystal structure had occurred while the diamond was deep within the earth. Tune in as Dr. Sally Magaña — Sr. Manager of Diamond Identification — dives into the science of pink and red diamonds and unravels the mysteries of these enchanting stones.

Read more of Dr. Sally Magaña’s research:

Questions answered by Troy Ardon during the live webinar:

Q. Are pink, red and violet colored diamonds have different chemical composition? Or cause by origins. Can pink gemstones be treated to different colors or clarity?
A. Pink, red and violet diamonds do have different defects that can cause their color. And yes, some pink diamonds are color-treated. Dr. Magaña will cover this in detail. Thanks!

Q. What’s a ‘vacancy’?
A. A vacancy is a missing carbon atom in the diamond lattice.

Q. If a diamond has a higher amount of vacancies, how does it affect color & value?
A. Vacancies can impart color in different ways. Single vacancies will impart a blue or green color. If vacancies are combined with nitrogen, they can produce yellow or pink colors. If vacancies are clustered together, they can impart brown color. The more defects and vacancies that are present, the more color will be seen.

Q. What types of graining are callable on pink diamonds?
A. If the graining is visible under 10x magnification in a standard grading environment, and if it is colored or hazy, it will be callable as an internal inclusion.

Q. What magnification level was used to see the color waves and graining through the pavilion of Diamonds?
A. These images were mostly collected between 15x and 40x magnification. It can vary from diamond to diamond how much magnification is needed.


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