Akhuwat Foundation Loan Online Apply 2023 | Loan Process and Eligibility Criteria

Описание к видео Akhuwat Foundation Loan Online Apply 2023 | Loan Process and Eligibility Criteria

khuwat Loan Scheme 2023 Eligibility Criteria- akhuwat loan application form online 2023
The following items are mandatory for a loan to an eligible male:

= The applicant must have the original cnic
= The applicant must run a business and be between the ages of 18 and 62.
= Applicant must be economically active.
= The applicant cannot be convicted of any criminal activity
= Candidates are of good social status and character
= The applicant has provided at least 02 guarantors, even if he belongs to a family person
= The applicant’s place of residence must remain within a radius of 2 or 2.5 km from the branch office.
= Akhuwat eligibility criteria for a loan are subject to change at any time.

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