How Many Comm Bans for a Perma Ban on Xbox One? (Xbox One Ban Speed Run)

Описание к видео How Many Comm Bans for a Perma Ban on Xbox One? (Xbox One Ban Speed Run)

How many Communication Bans does it take to get a Permanent Ban from Xbox LIVE? We speed ran this and got to work! I created a new gamertag for this specific purpose to see how many bans it takes for a perma ban. In all honesty, there is no clear answer since multiple factors fall into this such as: words used, reason, length of suspension, consistency, etc. But if you have gotten a few bans/suspensions by the Xbox LIVE Enforcement Team and wanted to know how many would lead to a total permanent suspension, watch this video and use it to get a general idea. On my main account, I have around 20+ Communication/Xbox LIVE bans and I have not been perma banned on that gamer tag. Reason why is because these bans did not occur in a consistent basis such as on this gamertag shown in this video. But it doesn't mean you're exempt from a perma ban.

Xbox LIVE Enforcement doesn't tell anyone or give out any information on questions like this. They do not publicly talk about Xbox Enforcement Action to apparently "protect its users." But as loyal customers, we should have access to this information since we are paying for this service and since the Xbox LIVE Enforcement Team does wrongfully suspend some of its users. Xbox LIVE Support does not even provide any details about these suspensions because they cannot pull up banned accounts and they simply don't have access to this information.

Hopefully this video helps you out. Do NOT use this video as an ACCURATE answer but only as a comparative for a general idea. Perhaps one day, we'll get an accurate answer? Who knows. But for now, we'll stick to what we have, thanks to Xbox LIVE Enforcement...


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