Vapside hümn Eestimaa mu isamaa (sõnadega) - Anthem of the vaps movement Estonia my fatherland

Описание к видео Vapside hümn Eestimaa mu isamaa (sõnadega) - Anthem of the vaps movement Estonia my fatherland

Meile on räägitud, et alusetud repressioonid, vangistamised ja asumisele saatmised tabasid Eestit kommunistliku Nõukogude Liidu okupatsiooni ajal. Kuid paraku ei ole see kogu tõde! Need sündmused leidsid aset juba enne okupatsiooni, nn "vabas" Eesti Wabariigis, kus pärast 1934. a riigipööret võimutsesid põhiseadusevastaselt isehakanud riigijuhid, kes represseerisid Vabadussõja veterane!

Vapside ametlik koduleht / the official homepage of vaps movement:

Vaps Movement, (Estonian: Eesti Vabadussõjalaste Liit) the Union of Participants in the Estonian War of Independence was founded as an Estonian association of veterans of the Estonian War of Independence (1918–1920). Later non-veterans were accepted as its supporter-members. The organisation was founded in 1929, and emerged as a mass anti-communist and anti-parliamentary movement. The leaders of this association were Andres Larka (formal figurehead and presidential candidate) and Artur Sirk.

The Vaps Movement was a paramilitary anti-socialist organisation led by former officers of the Russian Tsar's Army, with most of its base being veterans of the Estonian War of Independence. Early support for the movement came from campaigns to financially uplift Estonian veterans, and redistribute land held by the Baltic German nobility. While they purportedly had no significant connection with foreign fascist movements, the organisation advocated a more authoritarian and nationalist government in Estonia. The league rejected racial ideology and openly criticized the Nazi persecution of Jews. It also lacked the willingness to use violence, or the goal of territorial expansion. However, they were known for sharing some aspects of fascist movements of the time, such as the wearing of a black beret as their uniform headgear, and the use of the Roman salute. Moderate members of the movement such as Johan Pitka gradually left the organisation and new members were allowed to join, who were not veterans. The organisation issued its own newspaper, Võitlus ('The Struggle')....
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Kuva: ​
Kindral Andres Larka vastuvõtmine Võru raudteejaamas Võru Vabadussõjalaste lipu õnnistamise päeval. 12.11.1933. Vabadussõjalased tervitamas Võrru saabunud kindral Andres Larkat.


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