Awesome Super Junior moments Part 2

Описание к видео Awesome Super Junior moments Part 2

So here's part 2 ^_^ I tried not to be too biased, but I noticed there's a lot of Eunhyuk, Kangin and Heechul. Although neither of them are my bias lol so I don't really know how that works 8) and FML because I had to upload this like 4 times and remove all the clips from Full House 8D and they are awesome T_T
Anyways, if your wondering:

0:01 Siwon informs us all who's the best drinker in the band...

0:12 Kibum being the adorable almost-maknae he is, going from badass and charismatic to lovable and shy in the blink of an eye~

0:31 Random Heechul lol and complimentary Shindong laugh heart

0:39 Recalling events of leaving Eunhyuk behind. And AHAHAH Kangin's laugh, it makes my eyes water but I can't stop loving it XD

01:07 EunTeukWook acapella~ noooomnomnom

01:35 Sungmin prank calling a friend asking for some kind of bone marrow examination XD I applaud his ability to keep his cool when his bandmates are all rofling around him. Especially with Heechul's KCCHHKCCHHKCCHHH laugh...

03:32 Discussing Siwon's muscles and some Sihae flirtage~

04:12 OMG, THIS OMG. This is probably my favorite ever SJ dance video, and that should say something... I mean this is SUPER JUNIOR we're talking about here, their dances are made out of nothing less than heaven. But omg just look at them all giving it their everything FJKLFHASKFJ (even Heechul 8D) AND THAT STYLING FMLLLLL fhaslfashk

06:05 Heechul performing a stunt XD Couldn't not include it.

06:15 HAHAHH Kyuhyun's unwavering expression..

06:25 Kangteuk and their ways~ All the awards to Hankyung behind them telling the camera man to cut. XD

06:59 The members got one minute to memorize a text, and then 10 seconds to repeat it to the camera... which... they don't. XD HEECHUUUUL (also Leeteuk: BWOOHOOO)

07:18 Donghae, Henry and Choi Awesome-Expressions Siwon performing a... uhm... Magic show...

08:10 Omg... omg... Kangchul. Enough said.

08:28 HAHAH, oh this... Sihan's showering story~ I can't ship it since I am 100% Hanchulian but this is too hilarious not to include. Also this is kind of what I want to imagine the members like to do together.. ... ... ...

10:27 KANGTEUK HAVE ARRIVED! Leeteuk in a wig and makeup, but still. HAHAH I love how excited Kangin is, and Heechul's running commentary~

13:16 Heechul's "dot dot dot"-face. That is all.

13:30 Ooohohoh, accidental Kangmin kiss, and some truth spilling out of Kangin... You know he can't keep secrets.

13:37 Heechul predicting the immediate Sichul future... HEESMIRK

14:25 Leeteuk not remembering what song he's shooting an MV for... XD

14:41 Ryeowook acting cute with Hankyung... as if he isn't already the living embodiment of aegyo.

15:03 Leeteuk's turn to perform a stunt. Or a special dance. It's hard to tell XD

15:23 Kim Awesome-As-Hell Heechul doing solo shots (yes, that is in fact his real name. This whole "Heenim" thing is just a big coverup as he doesn't like to walk around broadcasting his awesomeness, but we all know how hard these kinds of things are to conceal) and THAT HAIR

15:53 Kyuhyun and Ryeowook got the moves like Jagger! ... or maybe SNSD. Either way, it's amazing.

16:16 Eunhyuk finding a way to be polite to Sungmin at Kangin's request. lol

16:22 Kim Awesome-As-Hell came back, this time to mesh Marry U and Don't Don in an unlikely remix. Oh man this is glorious

16:53 Okay, time to get serious. Get back on your chairs. I love Ryeowook's story about Hate U, Love U and Kyuhyun and... everything. T_T

18:08 Okay so I know this is acting, but I always feel like this scene is real. Mostly cause it pretty much has nothing to do with the show it's in, and it just feels really real. Either I trust them too much or they are too good actors T_T But here you can get to see their attitude towards antis. And lol Teuk D:
(and antis, you can suck it)

Enjoy, I hope the subs are readable~


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