'End The Awkward' Behind The Scenes - Scope's Advert With Alex Brooker

Описание к видео 'End The Awkward' Behind The Scenes - Scope's Advert With Alex Brooker

Find out what the most awkward moments the cast of Scope's End The Awkward television adverts with Alex Brooker have experienced in their lives.

This film is taken from Scope's campaign to get people chatting about disability so together we can 'End The Awkward'. Click on the following link to take our quiz & see whether you're in need of some pointers about being awkward. http://www.scope.org.uk/awkward-quiz

About Scope:
Scope exists to make this country a place where disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else. Until then, we'll be here. We provide support, information and advice to more than a quarter of a million disabled people and their families every year. We raise awareness of the issues that matter. And with your support, we'll keep driving change across society until this country is great for everyone.

Find out more about our work here: http://www.scope.org.uk


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