Vaidika Ashirvada Mantraha | Challakere Brothers

Описание к видео Vaidika Ashirvada Mantraha | Challakere Brothers

Vaidika Ashirvada Mantraha by Challakere Brothers

Ashirvada Paddhati is a highly revered Vedic tradition in Sanatana Dharma, embodying the essence of Vedic rituals (such as Homa, Havana, and Pooja) in the form of blessings for the performer (Yajamana), their family, and acquaintances.

The Ashirvada Mantras presented in this video are drawn from various blessing verses across the Krishna Yajurveda Samhita and Brahmana. These mantras are recited during auspicious occasions to bless the "Yajamana" (the head of the household) and his family. They wish the Yajamana and his wife a joyful marriage, continued progeny with healthy and blessed offspring, and a long lifespan of up to 120 years, as outlined in the Vedas, enabling them to fulfill the duties of a wholesome life. The mantras invoke the Devatas to bestow longevity, health, wealth, a loving family, trust, and overall well-being.

The "Sumangali" (Lady of the house) is blessed with a long life for herself and her husband, a life filled with "Mangala" (joy and contentment), and deep spiritual growth for her and her family. Ultimately, the mantras extend these blessings to the well-being and spiritual upliftment of the entire society, encouraging detachment from materialism in pursuit of higher spiritual fulfillment.

The Ashirvada mantras chanted in this video are traditionally used during auspicious occasions such as weddings, where they bless the couple with a strong bond and a prosperous life. They are also recited during the Upanayana (Thread Ceremony), which marks a child’s initiation into Vedic learning and the pursuit of knowledge. Additionally, these mantras are invoked during all the Shodasha Karmas (the sixteen life rituals) and Shanti Karmas to bless the Yajamana (host) and his family and acquaintances, ensuring their well-being and upliftment.

References for the acronyms used in the video:
KYTS - Krishna Yajurveda Taittireeya Samhita
KYTB - Krishna Yajurveda Taittireeya Brahmanam
KYEK - Krishna Yajurveda Ekagni Kanda

Rendered by: Sri M. S. Venugopal and Sri. M. S. Sreenivasan
Produced, Directed, Recorded, Mixed, Mastered, Video Edited by:
Challakere brothers and Team (Moderators of Challakere Brothers Official YouTube Channel)

This video was shot at following locations:
1.Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala, Mysuru
2. RIMSE, Mysuru
3. Cauvery Kanya Gurukulam, near Shrirangapattana

We convey our deepest gratitude to all the authorities of Sri Ramakrishna Vidyashala and RIMSE, Mysuru for letting us shoot at their premises.

Special thanks to Sri. Shivananda for arranging the video shoot at Cauvery Kanya Gurukulam, Shrirangapattana

Audio Recorded at: Aravind Recording Studio, Hanumanthanagar, Bengaluru
Sound engineer: Sri. Nagaraj, Aravind Recording Studio

Videography: Sri. Shreyas Srinivas, Sri. Pradeep, Sri. Supreeth

Video compilation: Kum. Shreeraksha Sreenivasan

Description sourcing: Sri. Bharat Kallur

Our special thanks to the following students of Trayee Veda Vidyalaya who have contributed to this video composition:
Sri. Srinivas Ramesh, Sri.Pushkar Parthakudi, Shri.Pradeep, Sri. Aravind Koratagere, Sri. Prabhakar, Sri. Pranav Sagar, Smt. Sindura, Sri.Venkatesh Prasad, Sri. Supreeth, Sri. Sandeep, Sri. Jayasimha, Sri. Krishnaswamy,
Smt. Madhu Sreenivasan and Kum. Shreeraksha Sreenivasan

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