Fate's End | Eugene & Gavus Cinematic | AFK Arena

Описание к видео Fate's End | Eugene & Gavus Cinematic | AFK Arena

Bound by a sense of honor, a noble Celestial and Hypogean set off together on a quest to reclaim lost divine weapons. To their surprise, these coveted weapons turned out to be two innocent children.

Faced with a moral crossroads—duty or compassion— the virtuous Celestial grappled with a profound dilemma. In a fleeting yet poignant journey, the group reached a pivotal decision. However, their haven was uncovered by pursuers, abruptly halting their escapade.

In captivity, they clung to hope, striving for a chance to reunite their scattered family amidst the chaos atop the mountains.

They held firm in their belief that this time, their reunion was within reach.


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