PADI Navigation Dive for Advanced Open Water with R3 Jan 22

Описание к видео PADI Navigation Dive for Advanced Open Water with R3 Jan 22

What a great dive on Saturday in Nelson BC. R3 did the PADI Navigation dive for her Advanced Open Water course. She did great and we had an awesome dive together. She said something that really made me think about what we were doing out there.

She said ' I wish we had more time to look around down there.'

I was thinking.... of course we should be looking around down there! The vis was around 55 feet (awesome for the West Arm) and there was stuff all over the bottom to look at but the mean instructor had us running compass patterns and measuring kick cycles all dive!

We decided after that dive we weren't going to continue on with the Advanced course or the PADI Specialties I had planned for now.... We are going to go out and dive! Look around, explore and discover! We'll come back to the PADI courses later this year I'm sure but for now we are just going to enjoy the moments together underwater and explore! What a day! I'm so grateful for this time in my life! We are planning a dive trip to Nanaimo this March so we are going to be diving lots over the next 2 months getting practiced up for the ocean! Thank you Sonya for coming out and being our surface support again! Thank you for watching!


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