Argonaut Dam - Environmental Remediation with Cellular Concrete

Описание к видео Argonaut Dam - Environmental Remediation with Cellular Concrete

Completed construction at the Argonaut Dam, Jackson CA

Please see the before video here:
   • Cell-Crete Corp. Pre-Construction - A...  


Cell-Crete Corporation has over 60 years of experience producing and installing lightweight cellular concrete, also commonly referred to as low density cellular concrete. Cell-Crete has a long history of demonstrating why cellular concrete is one of the most effective materials for value engineering, providing a cost effective alternative for a significant variety of slurry cements and controlled low strength materials. Cellular concrete installation by Cell-Crete is a highly flexible and dynamic process allowing for smooth coordination and has proven to consistently improve site conditions when used appropriately. Cell-Crete prides itself in providing a material with greater benefits at a lower cost than traditional construction materials and methods. With Cell-Crete Corporation's long history and breadth of production knowledge, it is always worth exploring using a lightweight cellular concrete to save time on the schedule and money in the budget.


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