Shohaku Okumura on Buddha's awakening & Dogen's (and our) zazen: Enlightenment Day 2023

Описание к видео Shohaku Okumura on Buddha's awakening & Dogen's (and our) zazen: Enlightenment Day 2023

On the occasion of celebrating Buddha's awakening at Sanshinji in 2023, Okumura Roshi discusses his understanding of the connection between Shakyamuni Buddha's teachings on awakening, and Dogen's teaching and (our) practice of zazen. To do so, he discusses the Buddha's description of the difference before and after his awakening in the Parivatta Sutta (Samyutta Nikaya 22.56 - 'Phases of the Clinging Aggregates'), and a poem presented by Dogen to his sangha on an occasion of Buddha's Enlightenment Day. Recorded on December 10th, 2023.


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