Universal Robot UR10 Welding Cobot

Описание к видео Universal Robot UR10 Welding Cobot

Developed by Auto Control Systems and Gentronics, Ezy weld is a new way to program your UR robot.

Easy to use and teach, with functionality never seen before at this price point,
Robotic production is closer and more accessible than ever before.

A collaborative robot (cobot) works WITH you and in most cases does not need a dedicated robotic cell to operate, meaning it can work in with your existing staff.

Please contact us to learn more or to organise a demo on how EZYWELD can help you increase production and cut costs!

You can find us online at : www.gentronics.com.au
In person at : 12-14 Adams Drive Welshpool WA
Or by phone at : (08)9472 4033


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