Sound healing, energy medicine through Greg's singing voice. Angels, Devatas, surround you in love

Описание к видео Sound healing, energy medicine through Greg's singing voice. Angels, Devatas, surround you in love

Blessings to all from the Angels, Devatas and celestial beings of light and love. We sing through the voice of Greg to bring Self healing, peace and joy.

Listen to the powerful Healing Angels, Devatas and Divine Healers from the Cosmic Realm singing through Greg's voice. An offering of sound healing for all. Please sit comfortably and close your eyes while you listen. Feet flat on the floor, hands with palms facing upward on your thighs. Alternately you may lie on your back, hands at your sides with palms facing upward. Do not cross your legs.

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about Greg:
Greg sings with the intention of opening the heart to love, a place of peace, deep calm, well being, and hope. His terrestrial voice is accompanied by energies from the celestial realms producing healing songs to settle the mind, awaken cellular memory, and restore balance in the physiology. Over the past decade, Greg has performed celestial singing, in person or via Skype or phone, for individuals or groups at healing events. Free live Celestial Singing Healing event every Sunday at 2:00 pm and every Wednesday at 7:30 pm Central Time (Chicago USA)
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Disclaimer: Healing Songs recorded or live are not substitutes for regular medical care. Please continue to consult with your regular medical doctor or health-care practitioner for treatment of any old, new or existing medical conditions.


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