Korean Spicy Chicken韓式辣醬炒雞肉 (1method, 2dishes一種做法、兩道菜)

Описание к видео Korean Spicy Chicken韓式辣醬炒雞肉 (1method, 2dishes一種做法、兩道菜)

(1 method, 2 dishes 一種做法、兩道菜)
Cut the chicken into bite size pieces first, thank you!
Marinade 醃雞肉醬料:
- 2 cloves of garlic 兩瓣蒜頭
- 2 tablespoons milk 2大匙牛奶
- 2 tablespoons rice wine 2大匙米酒
- 1 teaspoon salt 1小匙鹽巴
- some black/white pepper 一些黑胡椒/或白胡椒
- sprinkle sweet potato starch on marinated chicken before frying it
入油鍋前,撒些蕃薯粉在醃過的雞肉上 (please watch my video for detail instructions, thank you)

Sauce 醬的部分:
- 1/4 onion chopped/minced 1/4顆洋蔥(切碎)
- water 5 tablespoons 5大匙水
- sugar 3 teaspoons 3茶匙糖
- soy sauce 3 tablespoons 3大匙醬油
- ketchup 3 tablespoons 3大匙蕃茄醬
- Korean hot pepper paste 3 tablespoons 3大匙韓式辣椒醬
(you can skip this ingredient if you are making non-spicy sauce)

This dish is inspired by Korean deep-fried chicken. You can either use chicken breast or chicken thigh for these two dishes. I used chicken thighs for this video because that's what I had in my fridge when I made it 😙
Instead of using lots of oil to deep-fry, I pan fried the chicken. It uses much less oil than deep frying. In Taiwan, when we use only a shallow layer of oil, we call it "half stir-fry" dish. I am not sure what to call it in English. If you know what it's called in English, please mention it in the comments. You can try this way if you are making dishes that are normally deep-fried. (It works for some dishes like this one.)

#fusion, #韓式辣椒醬, #Koreansauce, #雞肉, #chicken, #下飯, #easydish, #spicyfood, #spicyrecipe, #koreanfood, #韓式料理, #韓食, #spicyfood, #chilipaste


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