Tag your strings with "StringSyntaxAttribute" | StringSyntaxAttribute | New .NET7 Feature |

Описание к видео Tag your strings with "StringSyntaxAttribute" | StringSyntaxAttribute | New .NET7 Feature |

In this video, we will learn about a new feature in .NET 7 called "StringSyntaxAttribute." As part of .NET 7, developers now have the ability to tag strings using the StringSyntax attribute. These tags inform IDEs such as Visual Studio about the nature or type of string so that they can give you IntelliSense accordingly. For example, you can specify that a string parameter expects a regular expression by attributing the parameter with [StringSyntax(StringSyntaxAttribute.Regex)].

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What's New in .NET7 & C#11 Playlist Link:
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AspNetCoreMVC playlist Link:

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