Current Events Lecture - The Return of Geopolitics

Описание к видео Current Events Lecture - The Return of Geopolitics

Metaforum Actualiteitscollege - 13/12/2022

More than nine months after the start of the war in Ukraine, we take stock. What kind of future do we face? What is the impact of these dramatic events on geopolitical relations? What role does China play as a superpower? What are the consequences for Europe? The war, the ongoing energy crisis and the inflation are fueling public fears. Is this part of a geopolitical strategy?

To facilitate a better understanding of these events, Metaforum organised a current events lecture (in English) with experts from different disciplines highlighting the following aspects.

Ria Laenen, Russian and Eurasian Politics, 'The War in Ukraine: the beginning of the end. For whom and for what?'
Nicolas Standaert, Chinese Studies, 'Take China's role as a global superpower seriously'
Jan De Loecker, Economics, 'Market power and inflation'
Bram Vervliet, Psychology, 'Why we are afraid'

Lien Verpoest, History, will moderate the Q&A.


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