Stupid People Walking into Glass

Описание к видео Stupid People Walking into Glass

Here is a compilation of some stupid people walking into glass. After watching this video of people walking into glass doors you feel better about yourself knowing that at least you aren't as dumb as they are.

How Not to Leave in a Hurry

Not sure why these stupid people are in a big rush – maybe they are on a scavenger hunt to find their brains. She's gotta be one of the dumbest people on the planet. The guy can't be too bright either because he almost followed her into the glass door until he saw her flat on her ass. Hopefully the door slam knocked her uterus out and we won't have to worry about her breeding any time soon.

Glass Blanket

When you're sleepy there's nothing more comforting than wrapping yourself in a cozy blanket of glass. See, this sleepy head has the right idea. He's about to dose off for an afternoon power nap and spots a free sheet of glass blanket just hanging there.

The Bruised Bride

I giggled so hard the 1st, 2nd & 3rd time I watched this video - and 4th & 5th. This stupid lady walks right into glass. Those bruises are going to look so nice on her wedding day & the bloody nose will go perfectly with the roses.

Glass is Un-Made

This is how glass is made. This is how glass is unmade. I'll give it to this dumb guy, he sure knows how to make a grand entrance. TA-DA everyone, I'm here! I love the people coming to check on him. Sir, welcome to planet earth. That was glass you met earlier. Next time please use the door. I hope they made him clean up the broken glass.

Karma is a Glass Door at a Kebab Shop

This walking talking idiotic dung pile is taking a cab to crazy town because there are green peppers on her kebabs and her spoiled little rat faced kids don't eat green things. Boo-fucking-who! But don't worry viewers, help is on the way. The hero of this story is a glass door primed with magical karma. Tinkle tinkle tinkle – that's the sound of magic. “Get it right the first time!” yelled the lady who can't even operate a door. I could watch her walk into that door for hours while snacking on green pepper kebabs. I'm just glad the strip club gave her the night off so she could spend some quality time with her kids.

How to Drink Coffee Like a Boss

I wonder how the company's new force field is coming along? Mission Accomplished! Every morning I tell myself: I am rich. I am powerful. I'm a moron covered in coffee. Honestly, how stupid do you have to be to walk into a glass door when the door beside it is propped open? If this is an employee, why do I have the feeling the company eventually went bankrupt?

I'm Late for a Very Important Date!

The first indicator that you have to use a door to exit an area is the fact there is an open door to exit through. If ever in doubt of how to leave a building, doors are generally a better choice than a large piece of mounted glass. Sure you might save a few seconds leaving, but you usually lose that benefit while being sewn back together in the emergency room.

More Dumb Than a Door

I love this next clip. Every time I watch it I feel like Albert Einstein. This lady is outsmarted by a door – yes, that makes her more stupid than a door. The doors are automatic and literally open up right in front of her so there is no excuse for what happens next. The sad part is, the head bonk and new concussion are just going to make her even more stupid. And when you are already too stupid to walk through open doors, then you got a problem no one can fix. For her own protection she should be covered in bubble wrap and imprisoned in a Nerf room.

Drunk Shopping at the Mall

Oh every day is such a lovely day for drunk shopping at the mall. I just remembered what I forgot to buy, an instruction manual on how to use a glass door. Take a lesson from this moron everybody. Drinking and shopping is not a good combination unless of course, you are shopping for more alcohol. I love the way he falls. He stiffens up like a virgin on prom night and hits the canvass harder than Picasso.

Freedom is a Glass Door Away

Hmmm, now the instruction manual says to slowly walk in front of the doors and they will open. Think I'll just run through the glass instead.

When I first watched this clip I wondered if he ever encountered an automatic glass door before. It's odd to think there are people who have never seen such things but it's true. Then after I watched it again, I thought, hey he figured out how to get in without running through glass surely he should be able to get out. Oh boy, how I was wrong - he's just another stupid person walking into glass!

#fails #stupidpeople #funny

   • Stupid People Doing Stupid Things  


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