#tutorial #tvrusak #belajarelektro


Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

focus focus and focus Bang Test first

OK friends, ready Alexander Slim 2 OK, let's see in the office the indicator lights up,


the indicator is red

and returns to the standby position, so you could say this is a

protected TV Idih protected In the language, the villager

who owns it told us to disassemble it.

OK, friends,

let's open the machine first,

OK, friends. Alhamdulillah

before starting repairs as usual. How good and how good it would be for

us to read a prayer first so that it will be easier for the repair,


first start if we find a protected case like this

then we have to open the protected line OK, focus and focus

here because this is multitester mode,

use the other one

OK, my hero whose voice is almost about to run out

even though the letters are still producing OK, use the tip scale

OK it doesn't sound, it doesn't sound very stupid OK,

friends, please pay attention,

now we go straight to the protection point on this television,

the race is at 33 volts, we set it in order, if this is for

33 volt input, let's continue downwards. Continue downwards, friends. -Friends, focus

, focus, focus, there is one diode, friends,

there is one diode and

it will be connected to another protect line, then it will run

down more or less around here.

We just stick one here. friends and one we find out

then here is the protective PIN

we find 1 2 the third this third later we will open the third path 1

2 3 okay let's just disassemble it

we have opened the protective path

then I just pull it out and our TV will turn on and we will

see whether the damage could be from the flyback blowing up or something else

, we'll see

OK, the TV has started OK, it's back to being protected,

so this can be said, we'll look at the load first,

but it still won't start, start first,

we'll focus on the B plus voltage first.

[Applause] wait

a minute I want to look again I'm worried I opened it wrong

like that's right

so we're going to measure the voltage on B plus that's

the line on the laptop please pay attention let's look at it first

here it is

OK 129 128

OK guys, it's wrong, it's wrong, it's wrong,

it's going to be 129 128 but it still doesn't want to start,

it still doesn't want to start even though

we have opened the PIN protect

, so this is quite a case

[Applause] it's causing the goiter. We've opened the

protect line, but the TV still won't start. Wait a minute, let's

tidy it up first. Because of this It's a pretty good case, so we'll

play it smooth, we'll tidy it up first, we'll tidy it up, but where is the brush, I don't even know, let's

try to help it,

so the fingers are so the story is a really stupid story, so the advertisement has a lot of different stories, the story is

PIN protect, we've opened it, but

It's still protected and how bro, okay,

the problem of not starting can be caused by a regulator that

lacks amperes. Okay, how come it's so great

[Applause] in the focus section, focus

in the regulator section. He's using STR and we'll see whether

the STR support is in good condition. what's that bro okay

here there are two Elco's one is


okay so it's like that if the protector has been opened but it doesn't want to start

then friends, just focus on the regulator area,

it's stupid, it's very

serious, can't it go in or not

[Music] So if you say this disease you could

say the disease is a complication, there is a heart attack, there is high blood pressure.

OK, friends, with a size of

352 micro, let's see, let's see if this is 25. Is it 35, 22 micro, if 22 micro

is on needle 1, let's see if this is on needle 1 or not, OK,

you can see this. it's really amazing, it's complete. OK, let's install it first.

Coincidentally, I don't have a 22 micro, so I use a 10 micro, 2

pieces, okay,

we use two because I don't have one, it's really stupid

the important thing is to live

OK, like this, we put one in, one we put out, bro, it's really stupid

[Music] OK, then I'll put the troops inside first


like this

, we put one here and one outside

and hide

[Music] OK, so one here

is like this, if there is no Elco anymore, so if you can,

friends, don't force it like this, don't be like someone who is difficult, OK,

we put one outside, then this will be

20 micro Yes, like this.

So if a technician is not funny Just because there's no Elco,

the work has been postponed

I need 22 micros, yes, 22 micros, fine

. It looks like this. Also, remember to put it in place, don't put it upside down,

or I'll look for it again, here's another one that's soaking,

here's one that's soaking

Oh no, friends, the size is 0.1 0.1 micro.

Oh, this is 0.1. So it's normal if it moves very, very little, so

we don't need to change the one, just the top one


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