Auto Volt Homemade All LED & Zener Voltage Tester | Simple LED Tester Circuit

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Auto volt #homemade all LED & zener voltage tester circuit

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In this video, I will show you how to build a 3.7V battery voltage to 500V #voltagebooster #circuit, which can be used as a universal LED & Zener voltage tester. This simple yet effective circuit is ideal for testing a wide range of LEDs and Zener diodes, including TV backlights, auto-volt home-made LED lights, and more!

The circuit operates using an NE555 Timer IC configured as an astable multivibrator, which generates a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) signal. This signal drives a MOSFET (2N60), which switches on and off rapidly. When the MOSFET is ON, current flows through the inductor (47µH), storing energy. When the MOSFET turns OFF, the stored energy is released through a diode (Fr107) to the output, boosting the voltage. The capacitor smooths the output, providing a stable voltage of up to 500V from a 3.7V input. This circuit is perfect for testing LEDs and Zener diodes.

00:00 - 500v test
00:03 - Diy Circuit
02:09 - Improved pcb project
02:35 - How to order jlcpcb pcbs
03:07 - PCB quality
03:15 - PCB assemble
05:09 - PCB test
06:29 - PCB circuit diagram
06:35 - Diy circuit test
07:52 - DIY circuit diagram

Watch the video for the complete circuit diagram and step-by-step explanation. Make sure to subscribe to EasyProject4U for more DIY electronics projects!

Universal LED tester, all LED tester circuit, circuit diagram, all Zener tester circuit, auto volt home made LED light tester, LED, tv backlight tester, Zener, diy projects, EasyProject4U, 3.7v #battery, JLCPCB, PCB, PCBA #jlcpcb #electroniccircuit #electronicsprojects #howtomake


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