Guliakhali sea beach | bashbaria sea beach | Best tourist place in Chittagong sitakunda

Описание к видео Guliakhali sea beach | bashbaria sea beach | Best tourist place in Chittagong sitakunda

Guliakhali Sea Beach or bashbaria sea beach is located in Sitakunda Upazila of Chittagong district. We have described Guliakhali Sea Beach or bashbaria sea beach in our top 10 sea beaches in Bangladesh. A lot of you ask to shoot video about Guliakhali Sea Beach or bashbaria sea beach. To the locals, this beach is known as bashbaria. The distance from Sitakunda Bazar to Guliyakhali Sea Beach is only 5 km. The natural beauty of Guliyakhali Sea Beach has made it lovely. The seawater on the horizon on one side and the Keora forest on the other side has made this beach unique. The roots of the Keora tree can be seen around the canal that flows through the Keora forest, this forest has gone far into the sea. An environment like swamp forest and mangrove forest can be found here. The wide carpet of the green environment has made Guliyakhali beach different.


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