【路游英伦】泰坦尼克号起航的地方 南安普顿 海洋城市博物馆 探访南安普顿的泰坦尼克故事|Southampton SeaCity museum finding Titanic's story

Описание к видео 【路游英伦】泰坦尼克号起航的地方 南安普顿 海洋城市博物馆 探访南安普顿的泰坦尼克故事|Southampton SeaCity museum finding Titanic's story

我们来到英国南部港口城市南安普顿,寻找泰坦尼克号的痕迹。这艘当年世界上最大最快最豪华的邮轮 从未抵达大洋彼岸,但这场海难却对她起航的地方影响深远。带大家一起探访南安普顿的泰坦尼克故事。
We're in Southern England's port city of Southampton, where in 1912 Titanic started her fatal journey. Titanic never reached her destination, but this tragic disaster has had an immense impact on this city. We're visiting the SeaCity museum and a few spots in the city centre to find out about Titanic's stories.


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