[東方 Classical] [Machikado-Mapoze] 人喰いタンゴ

Описание к видео [東方 Classical] [Machikado-Mapoze] 人喰いタンゴ

♪ Title: 人喰いタンゴ (Flesh-Eating Tango)
♪ Circle: Machikado-Mapoze
♪ Album: Mr. Sound Postman (Kouroumu 9)
♪ Arrange: Sakana Nakasako
♪ Original:
ほおずきみたいに紅い魂 (A Soul as Red as a Ground Cherry)
妖魔夜行 (Apparitions Stalk the Night)

♪ Image: http://tinypic.com/r/2aklkk7/5


Hi again folks,

I'm back this time with even more Machikado-Mapoze. I hope you guys like String Quartet arranges, because Mr. Sound Postman deals them in spades.

I honestly had no idea this was a classical album until I gave it a listen (the album art really should've gave it away for me). Instead, I figured this would be another folk/vocal album like Natsuiro no Kesshou. Not that I'm complaining, of course!

This track is probably my favorite. It's a tune that's both mischevious and aristocratic. The staccato energy, and the playful interactions between the violins, combined with that powerful 'drive' from the cello, makes me think of Georges Bizet's 'Habanera' from 'Carmen'.



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